This short article examines the business need to sort loan applications into two lists, and thereby demonstrates a technique to handle arrays of business objects using XML maps. 这篇短文介绍了将贷款申请归类到两个列表中的业务需要,从而展示了使用XML映射来处理业务对象数组的技术。
They stayed out even though it caused them to lose market share in the short term that would have generated big loan fees. 即便这样的决策使得该行的市场占有率在短期内出现下滑,大笔贷款费用收入流失,他们也不为所动。
Short sellers such as hedge funds aim to profit from falling prices by borrowing stocks to sell and betting that prices will fall before they have to buy them back to unwind the loan. 对冲基金等卖空者旨在通过押注股价下跌牟利。他们借入股票并卖出,押注股价会下跌,稍后再以更低价格回购、以偿还贷款。
Drawdown a RMB Short Term Revolving Loan to repay the existing loan as per the attached CNY Loan Agreement. 按照所附的中国货币(民币)款协议,拨出一个自动展期的人民币短期循环贷款去偿还现有的贷款。
Anthony Le Tallec has said he will cut short his loan spell in France to return to Anfield if Rafael Benitez wants him to help ease the club's injury crisis. 拿泰历表示假若领队宾尼迪斯需要他减轻球会的伤兵危机的话,他愿意缩短他的外借期由法国重反晏菲路。
But Brazil says these moves fall far short of eliminating the offending subsidies and leave untouched some of the most trade-distorting measures, such as US marketing loan and countercyclical payment programmes. 但巴西方面表示,上述举措远未消除违规补贴,且并未触及某些在造成贸易扭曲方面作用最为明显的举措,如美国营销贷款(marketingloan)和反周期支付(countercyclicalpayment)计划等。
The result indicates that, regardless of long term or short term, the total quantity of credit and loan has a positive significance influence to fixed asset investment, yet has a negative influence to stock market; 结果表明:无论长期还是短期,信贷总量对固定资产投资的正向影响显著,对股票市场则有负向影响;
When the self-capital is short, the fluctuation of gross requirement will be caused by the fluctuation of loan scale. 在自有资金不足情况下,总需求的波动由贷款规模的波动引起。
In the short term, government loan bonds should be issued in reasonably large quantities and the relationship between preventing financial risks and the increase in loans should be well handled appropriately; 从短期考虑,一要保持较大的国债发行力度,二要处理好防范金融风险和增加贷款的关系;
Great achievements have been achieved in short history of time on the operation and management of capital of non-governmental enterprise of China, there are prejudice and obstacle in loan of non-governmental enterprise, "the Quantum Restriction" in coming into the market; 我国民营企业资本运营在短暂的历史中成绩斐然,但是一方面民营企业贷款存在着歧视与障碍,上市有额度审核的限制;
Despite high interest rates, short loan period and tough conditions, usury was yet able to stand still in the financial change, which is a social and economic phenomenon worthy of detailed investigation and study. 尽管高利贷利率高、借贷期限短、条件苛刻,但依然能在金融变革中屹立不倒,这是值得进行详细考察和细致研究的经济社会现象。
In short, the government, banks, universities, students should take responsibility, work together to smooth development of the Student Loan. 总之,政府、银行、高校、学生都应当承担责任,共同合作,促进国家助学贷款顺利发展。
They prefer to internal financing and mainly depend on own fund accumulation in rights finance; in external finance, mainly relies on debt finance especially short liquidity loan, lack of various financing path, especially capital market. 企业融资模式偏好内源融资,权益性融资主要依赖企业自有资金的积累;外源融资方面,主要依赖债务融资,尤其是短期流动资金贷款,缺乏多样化的融资渠道,特别是缺乏权益性资本市场。
The Empirical result shows that in the short time the entry of foreign capital banks into rural financial market can promote the rural credit union loan balances, market share and the increase of loan-to-deposit ratios. 多元线形回归模型也从实证上检验出外资银行进入能够促进农信社贷款余额、市场份额和贷存比率的增加。
The length of maturity tends to medium and long term loan. But the increasing speed is slower than short term loan in recent years. 银行贷款期限倾向于中长期贷款,但目前短期贷款的增速高于中长期贷款。
The Chinese capital markets grow out of nothing, and the financing tools vary such as short term financing bonds. With the fierce competition of the same industry, the credit businesses of commercial banks face to the unprecedented challenge and the net interest margin loan decrease gradually. 我国的资本市场从无到有,逐渐成长;短期融资券等融资工具不断丰富;加之逐渐剧烈的同业竞争,商业银行的信贷业务受到前所未有的挑战,存贷净利差在逐渐减小。
The private enterprise in China because of its small scale, the management time short, the loan risk higher reason suffers the bank to its loan discrimination. 我国的民营企业由于自身的规模小、经营时间短、贷款风险高等原因而遭受银行对其贷款的歧视。